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Join us. Together we can work on Growing Good in our Communities.

Thank you to our

donors and partners

Evergreen has a generous set of donors who support the work we do in our communities. It’s great thanks to the businesses, NGO’s, funding bodies, government as well as everyday New Zealanders who enable our work to take place.

Our work is supported by people who wish to contribute directly to communities in need. From $10 donations to bequeaths of $100,000 are all equally well received. The act of giving in itself helps grow strong communities.

All donations we receive have the opportunity to be tagged to one of our four pillars: Community, Education, Hardship , Health or a specific initiative.

The Evergreen team is available to discuss your giving goals to help our communities. Find out more about the current initiatives we have in place and how we can best support you and your giving. 

Cornerstone donors

Thank you to our donors who are central to our Cyclone Relief work and enable us to support our communities.

Private Donors

Our work is supported by everyday New Zealanders who wish to contribute directly to communities in need.  The act of giving in itself helps grow strong communities.

Thank you to the following donors who have contributed to Evergreen’s Cyclone Relief Fund.

A Edmonds
A Kaka
A livingston
A Pook
AJ Agnew 
Alan Cook 
AM KilKolly
Anselmi Family Trust 
AR Dickie
B Turner
Becky Juno 
Ben Palmer
BF Tahere
BR Donaldson
Brendan O’Sullivan Trust
C Rusby
C Waugh
Cl McRea
CS Connor
D Barnes
D Ellis
D Handley
D Hayman
D McCoy
D Mead 
D Peacock
D Place
D Prebble
D Priest
Diane Young
Dr Nikhill
DS Collie
Dt Totton
EA Cleland
F&H Caccioppoli
G Crighton 
G& E Morrah
G&A Ronchi 
G&EG Harsant
Gabrielle Luoni
George Goodwin 
Geri O’Sullivan 
H Edgar
H Fisher
H Forsman
H Leslie
H Tongue
HA A bbott
Hamish Frame
I Livingstone
I MacKinnon
Ian Cook 
IR Bradshaw
J & C McBride
J Brewis
J Cleaver
J Cranswick
J Graham
J lyons 
J Morunga
J O’Keefe
J Wadham 
Jennie Hutton
JFM Cont
JJ Mew
JM Adenwalla
JV & MJ Lambert 
K Dasler
K Lines
K Roore
Kerry Pearce
L Harsant 
L Hay
LD Parris
LE Reeve
Liz Owen 
LP Roberts
Lucy Duffy
M da Souza
M Henwood
M Hose
M Neiderer
M Pine
M Potter
M Price
M Sigley
M Skiffington
Margaret Johns
May Family Trust 
MGM Armstrong
MJ McNeil
Monica Walker
MW Werrey
N Latysheva
P Pewhairangi
P Pine
P Reedy 
Peter Guise
R Blamey
R Cleland
R Cunnginham 
R Lewis
R lewis  – Alardice
RI Forsyth
Richard Nelson 
RL Button 
Robert Smith
RP Goodwin 
Run for Reido 
S Corbett
S Edmonds
S Forrest
S mcKinney
S Nink
S Richards
S Turanga
S Wyatt
Sandy Todd
Sharon Russell 
Simon Tipping
Steve Mellsop
T Crighton
T Neild
T Singh 
Tania Byrnes
The TeMata Peoples Track 
VL Todd
Z Rapatu

Corporate Donors

All donations we receive have the opportunity to be tagged to one of our four pillars: Community, Education, Hardship, Health or a specific initiative.

The Evergreen team is available to discuss your giving goals, and how together we can best positively impact the community.

We thank the following businesses who have contributed to Evergreen’s Cyclone Relief Fund.

Ag Farms
All Machinery
Alvarium Investments
Apparel Master/ Diamond Drycleaner
BBI Wood Products
Brebner Print
Bondor NZ
Brownrigg Agriculture Group 
Catalyst Fuel Refunds
Clearwater Construction
D&H Steel 
Ecko Fastening Systems
Energy NZ 
Fowler Homes
Generate Kiwisaver
GJ Gardner Homes
Great Lake Physio
Greemount Capital 
Hawkins Limited
Hawkins Watts Ltd
Honey New Zealand
Horticulture New Zealand
Horticentre Ltd 
Jarden Wealth
JFM Contracting
Kiwi Lumber 
Koppers Performance Chemicals
Launch Communications
Metal Craft 
New World Greenmeadows
New World Wairoa
One Staff
Poronui Lodge 
Property Brokers 
Rata Auction 
Red Cross New Zealand 
Red Stag Timber
Renovation Warehouse
Rapid Relief Team
RLB Packaging
Scales Corp 
Skal Club of Christchurch
Stafford Klassen
StockCO AgriFinance Ltd
Stratco HB
Taggart Farms 
The Paymaster 
Tiny Nation 
TUMU Timbers 
TUMU Merchants 
Tungsten Saws Taupo
Wildflowers Coromandel 

In Kind Supporters

Evergreen is fortunate to have incredible support by way of in-kind contributions from people and businesses to help us maximise every dollar and make our projects happen. 

Making every donated dollar go as far as possible is important to Evergreen.

Thank you to the following businesses who contribute with supplies and/or time on an in-kind basis that supports the projects we do. 

Hapi Catering
Baywide Equipment
Mardi Gras Events
Silver Ferm Farms
Prestige Loos
Four Seasons Packhouse
Matawhero Wines
TUMU Transport
TUMU Building Supplies
Craggy Range
Real World
Silky Oak Chocolates
Vetro Gisborne
PakNSave Tamatea
New World Greenmeadows
PGG Wrightson
Ecko Nails & Fasteners

Government & NGOS

Throughout Hawke’s Bays cyclone recovery, Evergreen  has worked closely with the New Zealand Red Cross, Rural Support Trust, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment: Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Primary Industries to understand the broader landscape and where and how Evergreen could best help. 
Through these partnerships we have been able to ensure our donated funds fill the gaps and every dollar is maximised.

Latest news

Find out about our latest projects and Evergreen news. 
With funds raised for the Evergreen Foundations Cyclone Relief fund we were able to make a difference to education in our community.
Bringing communities together following a natural disaster has numerous benefits, including easing psychological stress.
It is inspiring to see so many people and volunteer groups making a difference in our community.  Supporting these initiatives in their work is fundamental to the recovery phase.

Become an Evergreen Foundation donor

Join us as we work on Growing Good in our Communities.